Battlefield Wisdom
by Nigel Latta
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- Release date: July 23, 2013
- Format: paperback, 128 pages
- Genres: parenting
- Language: english
- Author: Nigel Latta
- ISBN: 9781869509675 (1869509676)
- Publisher: HarperCollins
About The Book
Somehow, somewhere, parenting has become far too complicated and serious. Battlefield Wisdom is the perfect antidote.
Somehow, somewhere, parenting has become far too complicated and serious. BAttLEFIELD WISDOM is the perfect antidote. As a gift for newbie parents, or a soothing balm for the bumps and bruises of the seasoned veteran, this handy little pocket-sized book is for all those who’ve been worn down by the dreary, politically correct, guilt-inducing Dr Fudgebuffers telling us all what a rotten job we’re doing. Bestselling author and clinical psychologist Nigel Latta takes you on an entertaining, irreverent, and utterly unapologetic ride through the realities of parenting in this brave new child-centred world. Be warned — this is not a book for the weak-kneed. You’ll find pearls of wisdom on everything from the horrors of bath poo to what we can learn about parenting from cannibals, and even tips on how to give your children away (not all of them, just enough to make an example to the rest). If they still burned people at the stake for heresy, right now someone would be looking for a match.
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