(Audiobook) In His Own Write

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  • #53511 Reply
    Amy Ammerman

    In His Own Write
    (John Lennon)
    by John Lennon, Yoko Ono

    In His Own Write ~ CLICK HERE

    • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
    • ISBN: 9780684868073 (0684868075)
    • Format: hardcover, 80 pages
    • Author: John Lennon, Yoko Ono
    • Language: english
    • Series: John Lennon
    • Genres: poetry, music, humor, fiction, art, literature, classics
    • Release date: March 23, 1964

    About The Book

    About The Awful

    I was bored on the 9th of Octover 1940 when, I believe, the Nasties were still booming us led by Madolf Heatlump (who only had one). Anyway they didn’t get me. I attended to varicous schools in Liddypol. And still didn’t pass — much to my Aunties supplies. As a member of the most publified Beatles my and (P, G, and R’s) records might seem funnier to some of you than this book, but as far as I’m conceived this correction of short writty is the most wonderfoul larf I’ve ever ready.

    God help and breed you all.

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